Fisika SMP dan SMA

Fisika SMP dan SMA

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Physics Learning Media in Form of Colouring Comic

The Physics Learning Media in Form of Colouring Comic
for Material “Kinematics of Straight Line Motion” in grade 10th Senior High School


The physics learning media in form of colouring comic is one of alternative teaching media that help students in learning proses. The research purpose is producing the colouring comic in physics teaching media for material “kinematics of straight line motion” in grade 10th senior high school. The type of this research is research and development. This research try to produce new valid product in order to make learning process more practice and effective. The instrumen used in research are the sheet of validity, sheet of practicality, the result of student's achievement and student's questionaire. Effectivity analysis used t test. Then,the data analyze by using graph method, decriptive analyze and comparative correlated analysis. Based on, analysis data there are three results. Firstly, the data analysis result of validity for physics colouring comic with average value is 84,63, the mean that physics colouring comic have validity is very good. Second, the average value of colouring comic practicality for material “kinematics of straight line motion”  by student is 73,8, the mean is good. Third, physics colouring comic is effective to increase student learning outcomes with value tarithmetic is 9,279 higher then ttable 2,479.

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